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Business Analyst (Fintech and IT projects)

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

easy hire

Business Analyst Employment Type: Full-time Industry: FinTech, Payments Salary: Competitive Job Description: We are a Banking as a Service (BaaS) and Embedded Finance startup specializing in innovative payment solutions and infrastructure for B2B and B2C companies, with a focus on affluent clients. ...

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IT Product Solution Manager

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


Huawei is a leading global ICT solutions provider. Through our dedication to customer-centric innovation and strong partnerships, we have established end-to-end capabilities and strengths across the carrier networks, enterprise, consumer, and cloud computing fields. We are committed to creating maxi...

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Преподаватель в NEXUS ACADEMY

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

Synergy M&M SRL
От 5 000 До 15 000 MDL

Мы готовим детей к успешной карьере в IT! Ищем увлеченного преподавателя, который станет наставником нового поколения. ВАШИ ЗАДАЧИ: Обучение детей 5-18 лет программированию Проведение групповых занятий по готовым методикам ОЖИДАЕМ ОТ ВАС: Умение объяснять сложное простыми словами Любовь к работе с д...

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Data Analist | IT

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


Suntem în căutarea unui Data Analist talentat și orientat către rezultate pentru a se alătura echipei noastre. Dacă deții experiență solidă în manipularea, interpretarea și transformarea eficientă a datelor, te invităm să aplici pentru această oportunitate. În acest rol vei avea următoarele sarcini:...

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Product Manager

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


Simpals — это крупнейшая доска объявлений, детальная карта Молдовы, замечательные мультфильмы, свежие новости, эффективная реклама, востребованные во всем мире девайсы для плавания и фридайвинга, онлайн сервис продажи билетов, озеленение и роспись города и самые грандиозные спортивные ивенты страны....

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Lead Generation / Sales Specialist (IT)

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


Stefanini is looking for a Lead Generation / Sales Specialist who will be responsible for prospecting, qualifying and generating new sales leads. Our candidate will be a highly motivated, self-starter able to identify and develop new business prospects from multiple sources including inbound marketi...

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Cyber Security Officer

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


Dyninno is a group of companies founded in 2004 in San Francisco. It provides products and services in the finance, travel, and entertainment sectors in 50 countries. Over 4,000 professionals work here in 23 offices around the world: in the USA, Canada, Brazil, Colombia, India, the UAE, the Philippi...

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System Analyst, Departamentul tehnologii informaționale

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


Echipa Departamentului tehnologii informaționale este în căutarea unui coleg pentru poziția de System Analyst. Obiectivul postului este analiza și asigurarea funcționalității infrastructurii, sistemelor informaționale și produselor software; Ce vei face: Colectarea, analiza și formalizarea cerințelo...

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Ofițer Securitate a Informației și Audit IT

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

Grawe Carat

GRAWE CARAT Asigurări își extinde echipa și caută un Ofițer de Securitate a Informației și Audit IT, un profesionist dedicat care să asigure conformitatea, securitatea și eficiența sistemelor noastre informatice și informaționale. Noi îți vom încredința: Monitorizarea și respectarea standardelor int...

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Junior Frontend REACT JS Developer

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


Suntem în căutarea unui Junior Frontend REACT JS Developer care să se alăture echipei noastre. Noi îți încredințăm dezvoltarea părții de frontend a unor proiecte interesante, într-o echipă de dezvoltatori și manageri profesioniști, fără muncă monotonă și stresantă. Cerințe obligatorii: Experiență mi...

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Front-end Developer, JavaScript

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


About INLEAD company: We deliver communication solutions that work across digital platforms. Inlead is a digital communications agency that has delivered digital solutions since 1999. Since 2005, Inlead has concentrated on delivering state-of-the-art solutions to the Danish and Norwegian libraries. ...

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Senior Frontend React Developer

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

DAAC digital.

Hello, world! Who we are, the international group of IT companies for over 25 years of experience. The company’s offices are represented in Moldova, Uzbekistan and Romania. DAAC digital has been creating and implementing innovative solutions for the digital support of the information development of ...

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QA automation engineer

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

DAAC digital.

Hello, world! Who we are, the international group of IT companies for over 25 years of experience. The company’s offices are represented in Moldova, Uzbekistan and Romania. DAAC digital has been creating and implementing innovative solutions for the digital support of the information development of ...

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Senior Java Developer (Full Stack)

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


Required Technical skills: Solid experience developing applications using popular Java frameworks (Spring / JPA) Proven experience applying OOP, design patterns, SOLID, etc. Experience designing and querying relational databases (MySQL, etc.) Experience with GIT Experience implementing/using RESTful...

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Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

Hot Software

Get to know us: HOT SOFTWARE stands for dynamism and openness, that is why our company is dominated by an entrepreneurial spirit, a combination of passion and solidarity, a passion for success. We create a highly productive environment and are not afraid of obstacles. We often have to step out of ou...

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Data Scientist 1000 - 5000 euro

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

От 1 000 До 5 000 EUR

В HOICK мы нацелены на достижение новых вершин. Мы ценим креативность, настойчивость и инновации, искренне веря в то, что командная работа — ключ к новым достижениям. Наша молодая и быстро развивающаяся компания уже сотрудничает с ведущими мировыми телекоммуникационными операторами. Мы ищем специали...

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Python Developer 1000 - 5000 euro

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

От 1 000 До 5 000 EUR

В HOICK мы нацелены на достижение новых вершин. Мы ценим креативность, настойчивость и инновации, искренне веря в то, что командная работа — ключ к новым достижениям. Наша молодая и быстро развивающаяся компания уже сотрудничает с ведущими мировыми телекоммуникационными операторами. Что вы будете де...

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Chief Operating Officer

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


NovaPay is an international financial service with its own payment system and mobile application. Our international financial service offers a comprehensive range of modern payment solutions for everyday use. NovaPay is unlocking new opportunities for professionals. Our team consists of top experts ...

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Специалист технической поддержки ($700-$1000)

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

От 700 До 1 000 USD

О компании С 2018 года наша компания занимается интеграцией CRM-систем для сегмента малого и среднего бизнеса, а также интеграцией со смежными системами, такими как IP-телефония, 1С, интернет-магазины, платежные системы. На сегодняшний день мы интегрировали эту систему в более чем 140 компаниях, и с...

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Back-end Developer: Drupal, Symfony, PHP

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


About INLEAD company: We deliver communication solutions that work across digital platforms. Inlead is a digital communications agency that has delivered digital solutions since 1999. Since 2005, Inlead has concentrated on delivering state-of-the-art solutions to the Danish and Norwegian libraries. ...

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Echipa direcției front system este în căutarea unui coleg pentru poziția de QA automation engineer. Obiectivul postului este testarea și raportarea la timp a erorilor depistate în procesul de lucru. Ce vei face: Efectua testări funcționale, de integrare și UAT; Interacționa cu echipa de dezvoltatori...

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Home Product Marketing Expert

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

Orange Moldova

Orange Moldova is looking for a new colleague to fill in the position of Home Product Marketing Expert. If you are driven by building new products, diving deep into product design, and improving the customer experience, come and join us! what you will be doing: Manage the new TV Interactive service ...

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Idomus Company SRL

Ищем опытного Java-разработчика для разработки и поддержки решений в сфере умного дома и систем BMS (Building Management System). Если вы готовы к интересным задачам и хотите применять свои навыки в области IoT, мы ждем вас в нашей команде! Обязанности: Разработка и доработка приложений для управлен...

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Idomus Company SRL

Мы ищем талантливого Python-разработчика для работы над проектами в сфере умного дома и систем BMS (Building Management System). Если вы увлечены инновациями, автоматизацией и хотите развиваться в сфере IoT, присоединяйтесь к нашей команде! Обязанности: Разработка и доработка функционала для систем ...

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Middle Service Desk Engineer

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

GR8 Tech

About your key responsibilities and impact: IT Infrastructure Support: Maintain and update printers, Wi-Fi, meeting room technology (Robin\Totem, iPad, PR TV), and SCCM to ensure functionality and reliability; Manage print servers and implement self-service solutions for printer access; Monitor and ...

Technical Lead for Self Service Mobile App

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


We are looking for an experienced Technical Lead responsible for overseeing the technical aspects of the self-service mobile application projects. The primary objective of this role is to ensure the successful design, development, and delivery of the mobile self-service application, aligned with bus...

Coordonator Soluţii de Plată

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

Orange Moldova

Orange Moldova este parte a Grupului Orange, cu peste 252 de milioane de clienți pe 5 continente. Avem misiunea de a oferi fiecărui client ceea ce este esenţial pentru el, prin crearea serviciilor care îi permit să se bucure din plin de o experienţă incomparabilă. Orange Moldova este în căutarea unu...

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Auditor TI, Departamentul audit intern

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


Echipa departamentului audit intern este în căutarea unui coleg pentru poziția de auditor TI. Obiectivul postului este participarea la atingerea scopului de bază al funcției de audit intern, care constă în evaluarea independentă, imparțială și obiectivă a suficienței și eficienței cadrului de admini...

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QA Manual Tester 15000 MDL

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

15 000 MDL

Compania Zazitex este în căutarea unui coleg nou și anume, QA Manual Tester – pasionat de însușirea de noi tehnologii, talentat și atent la detalii pentru a se alătura echipei noastre. Dacă sunteți pasionat de asigurarea calității și doriți să lucrați într-o companie dinamică și inovatoare, vă aștep...

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Android Developer (Middle)

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


Compania Minicode este in cautare de un Android Developer (Middle) cu experiență în Kotlin, Android SDK, pentru a se alătura echipei noastre in dezvoltarea unui proiect complex. Suntem o companie dinamică și inovatoare, specializată în dezvoltarea de soluții tehnologice de ultimă generație pentru cl...

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IT специалист | Specialist IT

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


Ищем IT специалиста с опытом работы в различных областях. Наша компания ищет квалифицированного IT специалиста для долгосрочного сотрудничества. Если у вас есть опыт в следующих областях, мы будем рады видеть вас в нашей команде! Обязанности: Разработка сайтов: создание и поддержка веб-проектов разл...

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AI Solutions Manager (Chisinau or Balti)

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

Pedersen & Partners

Pedersen & Partners is a leading global Executive Search & Leadership Consulting firm. We operate 56 wholly owned offices in 50 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia & the Americas. Our values Trust, Relationship and Professionalism apply to our interaction with clients as well as e...

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Technical Support Specialist

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

Hot Software

Познакомьтесь с нами: Hot Software за динамику и открытость, поэтому в нашей компании царит предпринимательский дух, азарт и сплоченность, страсть к успеху. Мы создаём высокопродуктивную среду и не боимся преград. Мы часто выходим из своей инициативы, инициативу и настойчивость, потребность в распро...

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Product Delivery Manager + Manual QA | 1500-2500 USD

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

От 1 500 До 2 500 USD

Aspect Health is transforming women’s metabolic health, focusing on PCOS and midlife weight gain caused by insulin resistance. By leveraging tools like continuous glucose monitors, wearables, and at-home blood tests, we deliver personalized plans with proven results. Backed by TechStars, EWOR, and t...

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Middle Front-End Developer

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


We are looking for a Mid-Level Front-End Developer with expertise in Vue.js and Nuxt.js and working knowledge of ASP.NET to contribute to building innovative and scalable web applications. This role requires someone who can take ownership of tasks, collaborate across teams, and consistently deliver ...

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Project / Product Manager

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

Hot Software

Get to know us: HOT SOFTWARE stands for dynamism and openness, that is why our company is dominated by an entrepreneurial spirit, a combination of passion and solidarity, a passion for success. We create a highly productive environment and are not afraid of obstacles. We often have to step out of ou...

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Data Analytics Specialist

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

Orange Moldova

Orange Systems is the IT hub of Orange Moldova. An IT park resident, with over 800 employees, that delivers advanced IT solutions, enhancing a wide range of activities and full cycle development, impacting millions of customers across Europe. Orange Systems is looking for a new colleague to fill in ...

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Senior Android Developer (Kotlin)

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

Brilic Media
От 2 500 До 3 500 EUR

Brilic Media: Simple Apps, Big Impact Brilic Media began in 2018 as a small startup with big dreams—creating mobile apps that make life easier. Today, over 50 million people use our apps to simplify their daily routines! Vision: To be a global leader in mobile app development, offering innovative, u...

Specialist în tehnologia informației și comunicațiilor

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

Mikro Kapital Company, o organizație financiară de top, este în căutarea unui Specialist în tehnologia informației și comunicațiilor pentru a se alătura echipei noastre. Cerințele față de candidat: Studii în domeniul tehnologiilor informaţionale; Experienţă: în domeniu minim 1 an; Cunostinte Softwar...

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Head of Infrastructure Support Unit

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


We are seeking an experienced and dynamic Head of Infrastructure Support Unit to join our Information Technology Department. This role is crucial for ensuring the seamless operation, modernization, and security of our IT infrastructure. The successful candidate will lead a team to manage IT resource...

Reporting Developer

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

Orange Moldova

Orange Systems is the IT hub of Orange Moldova. An IT park resident, with over 800 employees, that delivers advanced IT solutions, enhancing a wide range of activities and full cycle development, impacting millions of customers across Europe. Orange Systems is looking for a new colleague to fill in ...

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Senior React / React Native Developer Chisinau

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


ABOUT JOB A Senior React / React Native Developer should be passionate about mobile platforms and translating code into user-friendly apps and should be able to collaborate with internal teams to gather requirements, architect, design, and build mobile applications across iOS, Android, and multiple ...

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Web Developer

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


Ești pasionat de tehnologii și inovații? În cadrul acestui rol vei dezvolta produse financiare pe canalele maib business și sistemul Creatio. Competențe și abilități care te fac potrivit/ potrivită pentru această funcție: Cunoașterea avansată a limbajului de programare JavaScript/Typescript; Experie...

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BI Developer

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


We are seeking a talented BI Developer to join our team, focusing on the development, optimization, and support of Business Intelligence Reporting Systems. This role is key to managing critical company data, ensuring accurate and timely reporting, and supporting data-driven decision-making. The idea...

Infrastructure Engineer - Moldova

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


About us Yopeso has been developing a diverse range of software products, from large-scale applications to smaller solutions, for 19 years. With a growing team of over 250 employees across five locations, we are dedicated to fostering a culture of growth, transparency, and professionalism. At Yopeso...

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Product Manager

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


Suntem în căutarea unui Product Manager - Value Added Services pentru a se alătura echipei noastre dinamice și a contribui la dezvoltarea aplicației mobile MyStarNet și a serviciilor digitale inovative, precum și la promovarea ofertelor comerciale. Dacă ești pasionat de tehnologie, ai experiență în ...

DevOps Engeneer / DevOps Inginer

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


Company Description: We are an innovative affiliate marketing company, specializing in IT solutions and mobile applications development. With a dedicated team of professionals, we provide scalable and impactful solutions tailored to market needs. If you want to be part of an innovative team and cont...

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QA Engeneer / Inginer QA

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


Company Description: We are an innovative affiliate marketing company, specializing in IT solutions and mobile application development. With a dedicated team of professionals, we provide scalable and impactful solutions tailored to market needs. If you want to be part of an innovative team and contr...

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Global R&D Specialist

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад

Salt Edge

Why join our team? We offer you: Growth opportunities, clear development plan, and an expert mentor to help you get started Full training and peer-to-peer feedback every step of the way Additional health insurance Periodic internal presentations (e.g. technical, business, HR related) Possibility of ...

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Drupal | PHP Developer | INLEAD

Актуализировано: 22 часа назад


INLEAD, part of the IPGroup, is a digital communications agency delivering solutions since 1999, focusing on the library sectors in Denmark and Norway since 2005. Operating across the Nordic region, INLEAD services around 15% of public libraries in Denmark and Norway. They offer browser-based websit...

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