Marketing - google ads - facebook ads - orhei

Contax Support SRL №9926679, 4 августа 2023
Город: Оргеев
Образование: Университет, институт
Опыт работы: От 1 года
Зарплата: Не указана
График: Полный день
Место работы: На территории работодателя
Schedule: Monday to Friday. From 10.00 to 18.00

CONTAX SUPPORT LIMITED SRL is 10 years in the market with extensive experience in accounting sectors, with 6 Branches in UK . Around 100 employees are working hard to deliver function of this business worldwide.

Job description

We are searching for a motivated Digital Marketer - who is an excellent multitasker with exceptional communication and time management skills.


- Improving our digital documentation design in the view of improving our branding.

- Assisting in diversifying our online proposition to clients in new services.

- Preparation of weekly newsletters to clients with brief insights of the financial markets.

- Input and design of the company’s digital strategy and plan.

- Planning, execution, and management of digital marketing campaigns with the help of outsourcing IT company

- Content Creation: copywriting and images – will be involved in coordination and execution

- Social media channel management.

- Website management (reviewing the content of the website and to propose changes, recommendation to IT team of changing the layout of webpages)

- Analytics reporting.

Location: Orhei, Moldova


- Should have experience at least 1 year in managing PPC campaign on Google and Facebook

- Comfortable using CANVA or other editing platforms

- Photoshop or editing tools

- Copywriting experience
+373 793 98 802
Контактное лицо:
Valentina Caminschi
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