Fișier CV
Data Scientist

Gender Feminin

address Chișinău

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Examination Majors Institute Year

  • Graduation - Lyceum of Dimitri Cantemir 2009-2019
  • Graduation - Lyceum of Antiochus Cantemir 2019-2021
  • Intermediate Applied Mathematics Universitatea de Stat din Moldova 2021-2024


Highly motivated and globally oriented quick learner. Deeply immersed in the workflow, I prefer to work alone but work well in a team. I am adaptable and have a desire for rapid career progression. Creative in my approach to tasks and enjoy making work easier for myself and others. Self-taught in everything I do, I like to organize and systematize.


  • Math Tutor | Freelance Sep 21 - Feb 25

    • Preparing children for olympiads, school or university exams. Different ages - from primary school to university level.
    • Strong psychological skills, versatility to each level for learning.
  • Main consultant in macroeconomics | National Bureau of Statistics Feb 24 - Jan 25

    • Worked in National Accounts where my official duties were to calculate GDP for two sectors: Rest of the world and Non-observed economy. Trained the team in the technical part of the job and assisted in optimizing the workflow. Together with an international economic expert, improved the quality of calculations.
    • The data were analyzed locally and internationally, and calculations were performed according to the standards of the European Commission and European statistics. Participated in different workshops, lectures, and conferences from European Statistics.


  • Programming: C, C++, R, Python, SQL, Excel
  • Design: Figma, Krita, Photoshop
  • Tools: TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn, Hadoop


  • Mathematics and Statistics

    • Calculus, Probability and Random Processes, Basics of Statistics, Statistics for ML, Graph Theory, Linear Algebra and Algebra Structures, Fundamentals of Programming, Mathematical Software, OOP, Optimization Methods, Mathematical Modeling.
  • Self-learning

    • Machine Learning on R, Scaling Machine Learning on Spark, SQL courses.


  • Russian: Mother tongue.
  • English: Reading/Listening - C1, Writing - B2+, Speaking - B2
  • Romanian: Reading/Listening/Speaking/Writing - B2+.

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