Управляющий партнёрскими программами (affiliate program manager)

AM Navigator LLC №11241552, 17 martie 2022
Oraș: Chișinău
Studii: Universitate
Experiența de munca: Orice
Salariu: De la 15 000 Până la 27 000 MDL
Program de muncă: Full-time
Locul de muncă: În locația angajatorului
Полный рабочий день, официальное трудоустройство в Кишинёве, работа из офиса (на Valea Trandafirilor). Вакансия описана по-английски, т.к. высокий уровень знания английского языка является ключевым условием найма.

AM Navigator has an exciting opportunity in the field of affiliate program management. We realize that knowledge in this field is scarce in Moldova. So, prior to starting to manage affiliate programs, the candidate will undergo hands-on paid training in the form of (1) self-education through the materials provided by us, (2) copywriting/blogging on affiliate management topics set by us, and (iii) gradually starting to get involved in affiliate program management tasks. The fundamental idea behind this 1-2-3 training approach is “learn by teaching and doing.” Eventually, and after the training phase (which shouldn’t last longer than a few weeks) you’ll be spending time identifying new affiliates to onboard, handling outreach and affiliate recruitment, ensuring affiliate activation, compliance with the respective affiliate program’s rules/policies, supporting a healthy communication channel with affiliates and clients, and more. Office space (with a computer and solid Internet connection), as well as all necessary tools and applications, will be provided by the company.

Резюме/CV присылайте по электронной почте на jobs@amnavigator.com. Сопроводительное письмо и сообщение могут быть как на русском, так и на английском; но интервью будет на английском, т.к. работать нужно будет на английском.

Зарплата будет состоять из базовой ставки (от 15000 до 27000 лей) и дополнительных бонусов, привязанных к росту продаж в партнёрских программах, которыми вы будете управлять.
Persoana de contact:
Евгений Пруссаков
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