Retailer’s manager & data loading coordinator & coder

ICS RetailZoom Marketing Research Moldova №9211163, 22 mai 2020
Oraș: Chișinău
Studii: Orice
Experiența de munca: Orice
Salariu: Nespecificat
Program de muncă: Full-time
Retailzoom Moldova is looking for a new Team Member
Retailer’s manager & Data Loading Coordinator & Coder, responsible for:
1. Retailer manager
2 Loading the raw data from different Retailers using the software provided by RZ;
3. Creating certain reports in different formats
4. Coder of SKU’s
The everyday work needs to be properly done, without any mistakes and in an efficient way – meaning according to the department standards set by the Cyprus HQ

• Checks and converts external / internal information coming from several different sources into codes using software provided by RetailZoom, according to the Company Coding Standards, specified in the Coding Rulebook
• Respects the Basic Standards for BAU (Business As Usual) Terms:
o Codes correctly and fully identifies all product characteristics, using the help of any desk research tools (internet, retailers leaflets)
o Checks descriptions changes for EAN codes including corrections where necessary
o Assigns products to categories
• Respecting deadlines
• Proactively communicates in writing any delay and reasons for delay of his own work
• Proactively find solutions to problems arises from own actions / duties
• Works independently, but can work in a team, when it is needed;
• Keeps confidentiality on the data and information that he acknowledged during the execution of the working contract;
• Field visits for Product Clearings – whenever it is necessary, usually 1-2 times per week
• Professional attitude and communication towards colleagues and superiors
• Ability to carry out activities for the performance of service without requiring coordination

Desired skills and experience:
• Proven working experience in data analysis and handling of electronic data files
• Strong analytical skills with the ability to organize, process and analyze significant amounts of data with attention to detail and accuracy
• Basic computer skills (i.e., Word & Excel processing, spreadsheets)
• Ability to understand and work with different formats and structures of data files
• Ability to work as part of a multicultural team
• Knowledge of spoken and written English

Please Send your CV to the email address:
+373 600 09 393
Persoana de contact:
Aliona Lupu-Perecheatco
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