Помощник project-менеджера

New International Performing Arts Institute №12371319, 29 martie 2023
Oraș: Chișinău
Studii: Orice
Experiența de munca: Orice
Salariu: Nespecificat
Program de muncă: Full-time
Locul de muncă: Remote
Dispuși să angajăm refugiați

Required project manager asisstant with good knowledge of English.

Условия работы:

Remote work, pleasant team, the possibility of a permanent place of work. Our field of activity is the performing arts.



9:00−18:00 (Berlin time)


9:00−12:00 (Berlin time)

Sun — day off

As well as all official holidays according to the German calendar — days off.


Duties include: searching for students for courses and seminars, promotion of international projects, work with email newsletters, maintenance and development of accounts and groups in social networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn).

Daily duties:

1) searching for email addresses and sending promotional messages to them

2) posting ads in Facebook groups

3) sending ads in the Facebook messenger and Instagram direct

4) searching for new Facebook groups

5) searching for sites for hosting events, courses. As well as posting ads on these sites

6) working with LinkedIn

7) reporting at the end of the working day / week / month
Persoana de contact:
Lisa Rich
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